Campbell & Associates Law Firm PC.


Director and Officer Liability

When you set up a corporation or other limited liability company in Texas, it is likely that one key motivation is being able to insulate yourself from personal liability in your role as director or officer. The Texas Business Organizations Code allows you to protect your own assets in the event that the business is […]


Corporate Lawyer Ethical Issues

There are several benefits that drive corporate lawyers to go in-house. To many, the idea of representing a company is attractive because it allows you to be focused on a single client and its needs. Others prefer the area of law itself, getting more satisfaction out of practicing corporate law, business transactions, and related fields. […]


Ethical Issues for Immigration lawyers

Attorneys in all legal practice areas face ethics issues regularly, but immigration lawyers must address challenging ethical questions because they tend to represent a very vulnerable population. The clients are not familiar with the US legal system, so they are unaware of their rights. This may lead some lawyers to fall into bad habits because […]